On March 13, 2020; I was standing in gallery full of my artwork that I had spent a year to make with no audience. The world stood still on that day. It was my opening night, as I placed a note on the gallery door saying, "Show Cancelled".
In the months to come we retreated into our homes and had to learn "to pivot". I took up gardening, made the sourdough breads, cleaned out closets and tried to keep myself and family busy to escape the reach of depression that accompanied Covid. We journaled, we zoom'd, and we watched every movie and television show available to bide our time. In the following 18 months: two of my galleries I show in went under and nothing was selling in the brick and mortar shops if they didn't have an online presence. I tried to buy a handmade ceramic mug from fellow artists I admired every month to help support my hurting art community.
I found pleasure drinking my gallons of coffee and tea ( yes, I took up drinking Ginger tea in the pandemic also)out of these little works of art that brought me joy and hope. The energy of the artist is infused in these beautiful vessels and I can feel it. This ritual was one of the ways I coped. I surrounded myself with objects that made me "feel"!!! Covid changed the way we live on many levels. I realized more than ever that the items we decorate our homes with have POWER! Beautiful pillows, funny tea towels, gorgeous smelling body oils, animal print pajamas and intricately designed rugs were needed and relied upon by my mental state to carry on as a nurturing mother, loving wife, and inspired artist.
It took me a little time and a big birthday to digest my experiences and let the goods simmer to the surface to decide I needed more. I needed to grow and go deep.
I started to illustrate my inward contemplations on my ceramics. Surface was becoming more important in my aesthetic. A few rabbit holes later, I came out with the need to design a colorful uplifting world.
Many of you know me as a ceramist, but I went to art school for printmaking and bookarts. I feel my two art worlds intersecting now and have devoted the past year to trying to merge the two.
I may not be there 100% yet but the journey is exciting and I am full again.
As my original artist statement says, "journey with me..."
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