So this pandemic has me longing for long late night garden dinner parties with my artsy friends. Since there seems to be no urgency to get art "out" ( two of my galleries have closed due to Covid's restrictions) I have been making work for myself; which is a luxury when you get on the train to make specific art for an audience. I imagined these ladies ( I call Goddesses) to be center pieces on my outdoor tables- all lit up or surrounded with candle light - just watching and listening to the intimate conversations happening around them. The little "fresh" butter dishes would keep perishables safe from any unwanted insects or night air. So I made these creations with the hopes of someday once again enjoying parties with loved ones and hoping this pandemic leaves our planet very soon. Much love to you. -xoxo Nicole
"Pink Goddess of Light" 18"h x 19"w x 9"d
"Goddess of Protective Energy" 24"h x 18"w x 11' d
"Fresh" Butter Dishes 7"h x 6.5" w x 5" d
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