A “Spirit Guide” is defined by Wikipedia as:
"Spirit guide" is a term used by the Western
tradition of Spiritualist Churches, mediums, and psychics to describe an entity
that remains a disincarnate spirit in order to act as a guide or protector to a
living incarnated human being.
For my first series I plan on making three 35” tall figures.
These figures will represent spirit guides that a soul may have in one lifetime
on earth. These figures will hang on the wall. I envision them on a wall behind
a bed. Overlooking a sleeper as they sleep. The spirit guides will be adorned
with talisman and elements that each personality will have.
Their colors will be based on pallets of auras. As a soul
ascends onto higher spiritual planes your aura changes color. ( I have just
finished reading Dr. Michael Newton’s Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls –
so the colors will be based on his remarks and findings: “In his second book,
Destiny of Souls, a table of color correspondences for the soul is shown in
chapter five. On page 171 Dr. Newton has given us a table to show the various
gradations of color marking the soul's evolution. “Figure 6: Color Spectrum of
Spiritual Auras” gives the following general ranking of the soul via color. Dr.
Newton has premised six grades of spiritual evolution for the soul based on the
"soul's primary core colors." The lowest grade (Level 1) is that of a
beginning soul, while the highest grade in his system (Level 6) is that of an
"ascended master."”

So my second series will be the next three color levels
(4-6) but that will come in the next paper. These first three figure will be:
first figure= white pallet, second figure = red color pallet and then third
figure = yellow pallet
Red Guide
Red Guide Close Up
White Guide
White Guide Close Up
Yellow Guide
Yellow Guide Close Up
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