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"Totem" Series

“Totem” is defined by as:
  • 1.     a natural object or an animate being, as an animal or bird, assumed as the emblem of a clan, family, or group.
  • 2.     an object or natural phenomenon with which a family or sib considers itself closely related.
  • 3.     a representation of such an object serving as the distinctive mark of the clan or group.
  • 4.     anything serving as a distinctive, often venerated, emblem or symbol.

In these last few weeks of the semester I will continue with my exploration of the animal totem and the human/animal/ soul connection. I plan to do three sculpture sets of three artworks each. My first three pieces will be building on the Olmec mentality of creating heads because that’s where the emotions and soul reside.  The three heads will be ¾ scale human heads adorned with animal skulls on them for protection and energy attraction. One head will have crow skulls on it, one will have cow skulls on it, and one will have fox skulls on it. These skulls will be made out of a white clay body while the heads themselves will be constructed out of red clay for the warmth of the human skin.

Crow Skulls for: “Crow is an omen of change. Crows live in the void and have no sense of time, therefore being able to see past, present and future simultaneously. They unite both the light and the dark, both the inner and the outer. Crow is the totem of the Great Spirit and must be held with utmost respected. They are representations of creation and spiritual strength. Crows are messengers, telling us about the creation and magic all around us, that is available to us just for the asking. Look for opportunities to bring into being the magic of life.” (

Buffalo Skulls for:” Buffalo/Bison’s medicine includes manifestation, protection, earth creativity, feminine courage, abundance, knowledge, generosity, hospitality, sharing work, courage, strength, challenge, survival, giving for the greater good, formulating beneficial plans. Those with buffalo as power animal must walk a sacred path, honouring every walk of life. Buffalo will assist you in establishing a deep connection with Mother Earth and Father Sky. and will ask that you help the endangered species in the world. Pray/meditate/focus on harmony and peace amongst all beings. Ask the universe for help, and be thankful for the gifts brought to you.” (

Fox Skulls for: “Fox is amongst the most uniquely skilled and ingenious animals of nature. Being a night creature, fox is often imbued with supernatural powers. Foxes are usually seen at dawn and dusk. Dusk starts off their day, and the dawn is its ending. This is the time, when the world of magic and our every day realities cross paths. Foxes live on the edges of forests and open lands, the border areas. As fox is an animal of the between times and places, it can be a guide into the faerie realm. Fox has a long past of magic and cunning associated with it. It can move in and out of circumstance restoring order or causing confusion, depending on the occasion.” (

Next, the next three pieces will be three animal skulls- the crow, the fox, and the bison. Each about 6” in 3d space – they will be sitting on a canopic jar type body- a vessel of sorts- arms will be implied. The heads will have handmade metal candle holders on the head – to hold only one white candle (for: Spiritual enlightenment, cleansing, clairvoyance, healing, truth-seeking, purity, innocence, clarity and unity, Dawn, purification, peace, truth, protection, spirituality, General work, cleansing, repels negativity; use to bring peace, spiritual strength, truth, purity; heals emotions, and provides protection.
Note: White can be used in place of any other candle color and is suitable for any ritual)

To once again symbolize light and guiding the way (playing on the sense of sight ( second sight).  I will construct these holders out of metal that I plan on rolling thru a roller mill to incise with pretty patterns. Around each candle holder will be a natural element. Either crystals, flowers, or birds. I try to surround myself everyday with these things to maintain a calm and centered life. These three pieces will be layered with terra sig and sanded to show wear and layers. They will then be waxed.

The last set of three will be standing figures with large heads they will wear or adorn themselves with the spirit of the animals listed above or channeling nature through flowers- as depicted on the heads in the series above. 


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